As we enter a new year and schools returning for another term, I would like to share with you an invaluable initiative, and an opportunity that I encourage schools across County Durham and Darlington to take up.
The Alice Ruggles Trust stalking school assembly programme, jointly funded by myself and Durham Constabulary, is an ongoing project seeing trained volunteers delivering free assemblies to secondary schools across our area.
The project aims to prevent individuals from becoming victims of stalking by providing knowledge, awareness and understanding to young people on stalking and harassment. The programme equips young people with the tools that are needed in order to recognise, understand and respond to stalking behaviours, empowering individuals to keep themselves and others safe from this type of crime in the future.
Stalking impacts over 500,000 young people each year, often leading to emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical harm. Through this programme, students in secondary schools across the county are learning to identify the warning signs of stalking, understand its illegality, and know where to seek help if needed. By addressing these issues head-on, I am endorsing a proactive approach to educating young people about healthy relationships and giving them the confidence to recognise and respond to stalking behaviours. This project is part of my commitment to combat stalking and improving education around healthy relationships across County Durham and Darlington.
I recognise that stalking and harassment is an increasing area of concern and is considered a high harm crime that disproportionately affects women and young girls, in addition to young people, most prevalent in secondary schools. I believe this project is a key step in building a future where young people feel confident in their ability to navigate relationships safely and respectfully.
The Alice Ruggles Trust have a long-term goal to equip a generation with the confidence to recognise coercive control and stalking. They recognise the need to empower stalking victims to seek help much sooner, and to build a society that reacts in the right way when they do.
If you are a student or the parent of a student, then I encourage you to talk about this initiative with your school. Schools wishing to arrange an assembly or learn more about how to get involved with this vital initiative, are invited to contact:
Joy Allen Durham Police and Crime Commissioner