To begin with, I would like to express my condolences to Amanda Donald and her family for the loss of her mum, Myra. Amanda explained to me that Myra was a regular reader to this Hog Blog and enjoyed some of the tales and information that I shared with all of you, who take the time to read. Myra’s Cremation was held on Monday 13th January and she requested that donations be made to my prickly little ones at her funeral. Myra was 92 when she passed away and Amanda told me that she had a full and happy life and loved hedgehogs too. She has certainly helped me save these wonderful mammals and all 26 here are doing well, despite some of the problems they have endured. When I release what I have, in the spring, my first female admission, either hoglet or juvenile, will be named in loving memory of Myra. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Most of them have come in as hoglets, too small to be without their mum and their problems are quite complex, any hedgehog, whatever their size, out in the day is not ok.
Rescuing is a very difficult thing to do and it takes a lot of time, patience and a 100% commitment. My day begins at 5.40am, time is precious, on a week day I have to do the 13 cages, two hoggies per cage, and all have to be done to a strict schedule because my two sons are still at home and have to get them ready for College and University. In fact, I have a new hedgehog helper, Christopher, my youngest son, who is 23 with Autism, he gets out of bed, puts on his dressing gown and slippers and comes to help me with the morning routine, this can be about 6.30am every morning. He doesn’t speak, but his understanding is phenomenal, thank you Chris.
Finally, my thanks go to everyone who makes donations to my hoggies, fundraising is difficult at this time of year, but I am very careful with the money and it all goes to their care, bedding, nice food and meds. This weekend I will be doing another ‘Name the Hedgehog Scratch Card’, please watch my Facebook Page.
Also, not forgetting Angela and her team at Grange Vets, they are always there for me and my hoggies, we have a very trusting relationship and she has helped me with the success this little rescue has become.
Pictured is Teddy, he came in from Silverdale Place late last year at 360 grams, he was being attacked by corvids, he loves his food and care, always happy to see us all. I hope his finders read this and see how lovely he has turned out, he weighs 1244 grams and enjoys his Purina and Royal Canin puppy mousse.
He shares a cage with Billy from Hullock Road, he wasn’t expected to survive, but he is also 1200 grams. Please excuse Teddys paws, even in rescue they get mucky.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society can be reached on 01584 890801. My Facebook Page is Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel or my email: – Please don’t email me with hedgehog emergencies. Thank You.