Greenfield Community College were delighted to welcome Aycliffe Village Primary year 5 pupils last week and their teacher Ann Brown to Room 13 for a morning of creative writing. Greenfield is very lucky to have an outstanding English department, and fortunate enough to have teachers such as published Author Eileen Wharton on staff.  Our school Librarian, Victoria Vennard arranged with the help of Eileen and their GCC student writing group a morning of fun and learning and even a little bit of rapping in a creative workshop. The group worked together looking at how a character can originate from everyday objects and how we can develop it into a story asking simple questions like ‘What makes it sad and happy?’ The process helped to show the students that everyone has a story in them. Students enjoyed themselves, and Casey Hilland said ‘the workshop was awesome especially working with a different year group and to see how creative Year 5 is. Students have now been set the task to write their very own short stories with the goal of becoming published authors with their very own book launch in the New Year.