Fifteen Year 10 girls enjoyed a morning out of school on Thursday 13th March when they were invited to attend the event being held at County Hall in Durham. During the opening speech, the Chairman of the Council Pauline Charlton reminded everyone that, in 1911, if a girl chose teaching as a profession and then later decided to marry she then had to resign her professional post. How we have moved on!
We were then enlightened with speeches from two young women who had chosen careers in professions that were previously dominated by men. The girls were encouraged to follow their dreams and not be put off. The girls then watched a lady who had turned her hobby into a business when she was made redundant from the Civil Service; she encouraged them to use their talents and the skills they develop as they journey through life to open new doors.
The girls enjoyed their final workshop, where they all received a Henna Tattoo, whilst looking at how other cultures celebrate the role of women.
After an enjoyable lunch the girls returned to school feeling good about themselves and thinking seriously about their futures.
Melanie Stubbs, Assistant Head Teacher who accompanied the girls, said “opportunities for girls today are vast; it is great attending events like this because it allows our students to see what they can achieve in the future and gives them a vision to work towards. We hope to raise aspirations, and this event certainly did that”
This was another opportunity for students at Greenfield to think about their futures and how self-belief and challenge can lead to  interesting and diverse careers in what some may say is a “man’s world”.

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