1AB Taxis launch into Newton Aycliffe commenced with a prize giveaway of a 40 inch flat screen Hitachi TV. The brand of TV was chosen because of the Hitachi links to the town.

The prize was awarded to the 1000th new booking from Newton Aycliffe.

The winner Rosemary Douglas a resident of Newton Aycliffe was presented with her prize on Thursday 12th April by 1AB Taxis Managing Director Chris Bainbridge and General Manager Gary Park.

To assist Rosemary she was met at her home address by a 1AB Driver who ensured the TV was safely delivered to Rosemary’s home, it could also be mentioned that a 1AB Taxis call centre operator Julie, who took the booking, was presented with a VISA prepaid gift card and the driver who completed the journey.

1AB Taxis will be running further promotions and giveaways, so please lookout for news of these in the Newton News, Facebook and our website and app for more information.