Impressed onlookers have been going wild for an array of colourful roadside floral displays throughout County Durham.
Various species of wildflowers and herbaceous plants have been planted on roundabouts and verges as part of Durham County Council’s wildflower planting scheme.
The eye-catching creations, courtesy of the council’s Clean and Green teams, include annuals such as poppies and cornflowers, as well as perennial plants such as oxeye daisies and scabious.
Together they not only provide colourful displays, but are perfect habitats for pollinators such as bees and butterflies.
They have attracted acclaim from residents and visitors to the county who have been raving about how the displays have brightened up their areas.
Planting has been completed on roundabouts and verges on the A688 at Bishop Auckland and St Helen Auckland, and at Pity Me, Newton Hall, the Sniperley and Durham Park and Ride sites and at the Bishop Auckland town recreation ground.
Further work is also planned at the A688 at Spennymoor later in the year.
Cllr Brian Stephens, Cabinet member for neighbourhoods and local partnerships, said: “We are delighted with feedback received so far from residents, members of the public, visitors and commuters who have passed on their compliments at how attractive the wildflowers are.
“The planting programme not only adds a welcome splash of colour, but is also great for wildlife too.”
Oliver Sherratt, head of direct services at Durham County Council, added: “At times of austerity we look at providing planting schemes that not only benefit the natural environment but also reduce maintenance costs. While still in trial stages, we do expect the perennial plants to flower for several years with less need for grass cutting.
“We are thrilled at the positive impact of the flowers and plants. The wildflowers at Sniperley were part of the city’s entry into the national RHS Britain in Bloom competition so we hope that what has impressed commuters will have also impressed the judges.”
Some examples of comments from the public:
“The floral displays are a credit to the environmental teams providing them. These displays brighten your day. Well done Durham and please continue to provide these displays.”
“I don’t know who is responsible for sowing the wildflowers around the roundabouts and verges in Durham but I want to say how totally stunning they are!”
“I work near Pity Me and am loving that wildflower roundabout on the A167. When I’m driving home past the roundabout those lovely blue, red, white and yellow wildflowers never fail to lift my spirits.”
“I totally love your ‘hay field’ on A167. They are beautiful and great for wild life. Hope you do them next year too.”
“Love the roundabouts where you’re encouraging growth of wild flowers. Just beautiful!”
(Regarding the A688 Bishop Auckland) “I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen a more stunningly attractive roadside scheme done by any council ever (not that I’ve seen them all!)”

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