Not quite sure where to start this week because it has been so quiet, hedgehogs are still hibernating but there are still little ones being seen out and about, even at night time, if you see a hedgehog that looks too small please seek advice.
Fundraising is still ongoing, I am lucky to have June, Valerie, Lori, Bev, Teri and Bethany helping me out and making some beautiful items for our next fundraising event which will be 12th March at the Scout Hall, I have to say that in order to save these beautiful little hogs I need all the help I can get with fundraising because crafting is definitely not one of my strong points.
I have also received some lovely raffle prizes, Shirley, our Community Champion at Tesco has sent another £10 gift card, a foot pamper voucher from Jenny, pizza voucher from the Olive Garden, etc. If anyone wants to help me raise funds, and buy a raffle ticket, for these lovely mammals, I can be reached by email or Facebook messenger, details are at the bottom of this article.
Another venue for a Fair is also being considered, Woodham Community Centre is being considered at some point, details will be hopefully be on my Facebook page later this week.
Here are some contact details:
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society 01584 890801 – Facebook Page, Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel – email for the rescue is