A group of year 5/6 students at Stephenson Way Academy and Nursery School have achieved Bronze level for the PDSA PetWise award. The children have dedicated their own time, after school, to learn how to be responsible animal owners and to promote the work the PDSA do around school (as well as lots of photo sharing and chatting about their own amazing animals).
The PetWise award comprises of different activities to reach each level. For Bronze level, the children completed a range of activities such as raising money selling dog treats and learning about the founder of PDSA Maria Dickins and her legacy. They have also created posters and a display to educate others and promote animal welfare school wide along with many other fun activities and games. Currently, the children are working towards Silver level which they hope to achieve soon. Their dedication and hard work have paid off. Well done!
PDSA PetWise Award