Our guest on Sunday’s show was local animal artist and digital creator Alexandria Jade Pickersgill. Successfully trading as Alexandria Jade Art, she has established herself internationally with a number of commissions going to overseas collectors.
Alex, originally from Northallerton and studied at Darlington college, now lives and works in Newton Aycliffe. She is, by her own admission, animal crazy and a committed advocate of animal welfare working with Explorers Against Extinction, using art as a way of supporting frontline conservation. Alex is booked up until the end of September with various commissions for her work, and yet still has the time and energy for her family, describing herself as a full time Autism mama.
Anyone wishing further details on Alex, and her work, can contact her through her Facebook page, Alexandria Jade Art, Animal Artist.
On the 18th June we recorded the first of our three pre-recorded interviews with some of our Police Community Support Officers. PCSO Steven Kipling was the first and it was our intention to play that interview as part of our live show at a later date, unfortunately technical problems meant we had to push it back to be able to fit it in with our existing schedule. We received a number of requests to play the interview again, so we used the second half of the show to include PCSO Kiplings interview. The second of the three PCSO interviews, with PCSOP Fotheringham, will go out as part of our live show on Sunday 4th August.
Phill & Andy
Around Town, Aycliffe Radio.
Animal Artist & Digital Creator