What a week, yet again it has been very busy, lots of admissions and released hedgehogs back to the wild, this work never ends but whilst it’s very hard work it has its rewards and over the last few days I have had some lovely people ask me for help because a little hog has been found out during the day and they are at significant risk. Firstly, Mary from Byerley Park who found little hog Stevie, Mandy who brought me Autumn who was quite poorly on arrival, dehydrated, also had fly eggs on various parts of her body which had to be removed before warming her up and Katherine who found Baby Woody, also safe here out of harms way because he is only 188 grams. He should still be with his mum and siblings, well, I have him here till spring. Thank you all for your donations, these little hogs don’t come cheap.
On a sad note, I had to rush a small hedgehog to my vet on Monday, the poor baby had been attacked, we think. Angela looked at her straight away to discover her top and bottom jaw had been crushed, euthanasia was the kindest thing to do, she never cried, but was very distressed so I gave her some pain relief before I left. This poor soul could not be saved, I am not ashamed to admit that I sobbed for this little one and others I fail to save.
Finally, this rescue would not run without my wonderful team of helpers, June, Valerie, Denise, Teri and Peter, they are all wonderful people and every little penny made with their help goes to these lovely babies. At the moment they are knitting some beautiful hedgehogs, I am at the Pioneering Care Centre next Wednesday, please drop in.
This is a picture of one of my troubled babies, he has had abscesses and sarcoptic mange, also very small, he has a long way to go but making progress, Denise has volunteered to care for him overwinter, meet Baby Jack.
Tip of the week: The British Hedgehog Preservation Society can be contacted on 01584 890801. I am always around for help or advice either on my Facebook page, Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel or email pricklyhaven@yahoo.com
The Hog Blog