I don’t envy hedgehogs at all, their precious lives are faced with so many life threatening obstacles and they wake up at night when there is no one around, unbelievable isn’t it. I have seen on most rehabbers Facebook pages about hedgehogs being disturbed, whilst in hibernation, by power tools, strimmers specifically and their quills have been cut. Many have woken up because they are hungry, if all is well they go back to sleep until spring but the weather has been very unpredictable for them lately, so can I ask people to continue feeding kitten biscuits and putting water out, it’s a lifesaving gesture.
Can I thank all the ‘Ladies who Lunch’ for supporting the rescue with a donation of £25, everyone at Grannies Choice for helping me out selling raffle tickets, also Sue and Linda of Jorgias Attic for their help too, not forgetting June and Valerie for their support which is invaluable to me, I would be hopeless without them.
I would like to introduce you to Helena, she has been drawn for my little hoggies by June’s Granddaughter, Helena, who is 10, isn’t she beautiful? I have finished my Hedgehog at Jorgias Attic. She will be on my Facebook page at some point.
Here are some useful contact details for you all if you need help or advice: The British Hedgehog Preservation Society – 01584 890801. Facebook: Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel – My email is pricklyhaven@yahoo.com
The Hog Blog