On Sunday 16th November, Scarlet Whitaker Dunn had a successful end of season test day at Teesside Autodrome on her MS Junior, twin engine, Pro-Kart.
This kart is quite a contrast from what she has been used to, in that it has more power due to the twin Honda GX200 engines and more grip from its wider wheels and tyres.
For the last two years Scarlet has been racing in the highly competitive Honda Cadet 200cc class, but has relished the opportunity to step up to a bigger and faster kart.
Scarlet managed many laps throughout the test day, putting in some very quick lap times. “I love driving the Pro-kart, especially the better brakes and more power, which I find is very responsive and easier to drive, I thoroughly enjoyed the test day and look forward to getting back out again soon,” said Scarlet.
“I was really impressed with how Scarlet got to grips with her Pro-Kart, especially considering it’s only her second time on this much faster, heavier and bigger kart,” said Mam, “It was clear to see Scarlet loved driving this kart.”
We would like to thank Amaron Racing, PHM (Peninsula Historic Motorsport), Grandad Ron and Rob Storey for their generous assistance and financial support making this possible. To support Scarlet in her journey please email: mail@amandawhitaker.com