Dear Sir,
Is our local Tesco supermarket trying to get rid of customers? We all know that modern technology has good and bad features but it seems that Tesco are trying to make customers use self check out and card payment systems.
Now, when you go to shop and pay at the manned tills, they seem to think that two tills are enough to handle all the shoppers. The last few times we have been in, there has been a very long queue at both tills while other staff are walking about or chatting and no one is called to open more tills, causing people to complain, making life on the tills a bit awkward for the staff manning them.
I went in last week, having only cash, and after seeing the size of the queue I left the basket and left the store.
It seems that the store is no longer customer friendly and are trying to dictate to customers how they check out and pay for their shopping, it’s a shame because we changed to shop there because it was very customer focused. We will now, and by other customers reactions, will find somewhere else to shop.
John Armstrong
Self Service