Why not come along on Saturday 21st September and join us for Messy Church?
Not sure what it is?
Well, it is full of crafts, fun, food, faith and fellowship and this month we are finding out ‘Who God is and what he is like’.
We have Lego building, fish racing, poster making, food tasting and a quiz. Create with clay and make a crocodile peg as we explore our question together. Tea is jacket potatoes with salad and a delicious fruit crumble.
Everyone is welcome, from 3.30pm for a 4pm start at St. Clare’s Church, Newton Aycliffe.
It would be lovely to see some our families preparing for baptism, toddler group families and SHINE choir families too. This really is a Family Church for you all, no need to book, just come along, the team are looking forward to meeting you.
Messy Church