Local resident Jackie McFadden was nominated for her charitable fundraising work within the Great Aycliffe area and was invited to the Town Council chamber to be presented with a medal and certificate.
Jackie is the founder member of local charity ‘All Disabilities Matter’ who offer assistance to individuals with disabilities and mental health concerns. They provide a supportive space for people with disabilities and caregivers through sharing their own experiences and exchanging information for sources of help and support.
The Mayor, Councillor John Clark presented the award to Jackie at the meeting of the Full Council on 11th December.
Tony Beddard, Chairman of All Disabilities Matter, who nominated Jackie, said, “As Chairman of ‘All Disabilities Matter’, the charity, I’m delighted to see Jackie receive this award, as it’s certainly well-deserved as recognition for not only herself, in creating and leading this charity as founder, but also being the driving force for all the fabulous work the charity does serving our Newton Aycliffe community (and, indeed, County Durham) for all those living with all disabilities. The positive impact has been incredible, as with most recent examples being the Town Centre Santa’s Grotto and Winter Wonderland last December, in addition to the All-Disabilities monthly discos, and the planned upcoming cinema events in 2025. None of this would have been possible without Jackie leading it forwards with the selfless support and energy she has, with all the volunteers, also, in support. Well done!”
Great Aycliffe Town Council launched their Community Recognition Award Scheme in 2022. The Council developed the scheme to provide a means of recognising and acknowledging the dedication, commitment and outstanding contribution that nominated individuals make to improve and promote the Parish of Great Aycliffe.
If you would like to nominate someone from the Great Aycliffe Parish for a Community Recognition Award, please get in touch by email to: info@great-aycliffe.gov.uk or visit www.great-aycliffe.gov.uk for more details.
Community Recognition Award for Jackie