Durham Police and Crime Commissioner has announced continuous counselling funding for the next three years for the Rape and Sexual Abuse Counselling Centre (RSACC). This funding promises continuity for this area to make long term plans for services for sexual abuse victims across County Durham and Darlington. The funding has come from the victims core budget, which the Commissioner to able to use for victims services across the area.


RSACC offers free confidential counselling and support to survivors of sexual violence. They are the only specialist sexual violence service in County Durham and have never before received this continuous funding opportunity previously. This opportunity means that the service is able to make plans for the future to ensure the uninterrupted continuation of sexual abuse services across our area.

The organisation provides counselling for men, women and children as part of their support packages, which can be accessed via the links on this page.


Commissioner Allen said “I am proud that we have been able to provide these three years of counselling funding for this fantastic organisation, that provides such a valuable service to those members of our community who have been victims of these horrendous crimes.

“This is the first time we have been able to provide funding for an extended period of time to one of these services and we endeavour that this ensures some security for the organisation. We hope that this means that future plans can be made to continue counselling for those who need it most, without fears of support being withdrawn part way through interventions.


“I look forward to continuing our work with RSACC to work towards one of the main priorities in my Police and Crime Plan, safer people. This priority works to ensure victims have access to a range of specialist support services for them and their families at any point, whether they chose to report the crime to the police or not.”


RSACC CEO, Isabel Owens said “We are grateful to Durham’s Police and Crime Commissioner for their further three years of counselling support. This funding provides us with the much-needed reassurance that we will be able to continue to offer expert counselling to sexual violence survivors across Durham. Sadly, demand for this service is at an all-time high as an increasing number of survivors seek the specialist care that can help them to manage their trauma. Additionally, this funding will also provide reassurance to our brilliant team of counsellors who deliver the service.”


If you need help or support following sexual violence or abuse, please contact the Rape and Sexual Abuse Counselling Centre on 01325 354119 or visit rsaac-thecentre.org.uk.


Anyone who has been affected directly or indirectly by sexual violence, abuse or domestic violence can call the RSACC Emotional Support Line anonymously on 0300 222 5730 on Tuesdays between 6:30pm and 8:30pm and Thursdays between 10am-12pm.