Dear Sir,

Having lived relatively peacefully in Ashfield for a number of years, recently the air resounds with the ‘song’ of barking dogs!

I only wish they knew the tune!

All peace is shattered, no sooner does one stop than another starts. It’s no longer pleasant to sit in our garden on a nice day, in fact I’m more likely to stay inside, and shut all doors and windows!

There are those who bark because they’ve been shut outside, (some don’t appear to be taken for any walking exercise), those who bark at each other, those who bark when anyone passes by, and those who just bark, bark, bark! All apparently without reprimand, nor even noticed by their owners, surely they can’t all be deaf?

I have not ‘named’ any of these owners – which is why I’ve also not named myself – but come on folks, you must know when it’s your dog or dogs making the din. Give the rest of us – including the owners with quiet dogs – some peace . . . PLEASE!!

From a dog lover – if they’re trained!