Are you brave enough to walk over 15 feet of broken glass?
Willing to put your nerves to the test and do both in one night! If the answer is yes then this event is for you!
A Fire Walk is the shortest sponsored walk you will ever do but the most exhilarating. Fire walking is a powerful tool designed to help transform fear and to inspire people to do things they initially didn’t think possible. It can show you that there is more to ‘reality’ than you think and that many limitations which people experience in life are self-imposed.
This year we are pushing you to your limits and including an “Ice Walk” as well, which is a 15 foot barefoot walk over broken glass. The interesting thing about Glass Walking is that anyone can do it! The hardest part isn’t walking on the glass; it’s a matter of walking through the wall of fear that hangs over you and inhibits you.
You can choose to take part in one event or you can do both if you are brave enough.
Prior to the walk of your life, you will receive 2 hours intensive motivational training from BLAZE, which is designed to increase confidence and self-esteem, dispel fears and doubts, and encourage team building. These newly acquired skills can be recalled in the future!
This is an inspirational and empowering event: enjoyable, distinctive, and definitely different! Registration is £30 for both events or £20 if you would like to choose either Fire or Ice Walk. All we ask is that you try and raise a minimum of £150 sponsorship.
The Fire and Ice Walk will be held on Friday 14th November at Hardwick Hall, Sedgefield. To sign up please contact Laura on 01388 603003 or email
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