Workshop Supplies on Aycliffe Business Park celebrated their 3rd Annual Open Day, showing off some of their product range, to local customers and many others they serve throughout Durham and the North East. Although raining this popular Aycliffe family business attracted many interested clients, who took the opportunity to view the recently extended premises, showing the massive range of workshop products, complemented with major suppliers demonstrating their equipment in outdoor gazebos.

Maine Photo:Front: Founder Directors Elaine and Tony Harrop Behind left to right: Mark Harrop (Director), Lewis Harrop, Darren Harrop (Director), Simon Elliott, Richard Ross, Jaki Reynolds (Director), Ben Caulder and Phillip Harrop (Director).

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Phil Harrop receiving some advice from the HMT representative. This product range proved, without doubt, was the show’s most popular stand. Drilling holes and threading holes in girders at an extremely fast rate, either on the ground or in-situe with the assistance of magnetic drills or impact tools cutting out hours of labou


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Tony Harrop in the extra storage area and office space created by the installation of a new first floor.

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Mark Harrop, at the entrance to the newly installed lift, which provides access to the first floor extension. Completed early 2017

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The most recent addition to the Workshop Supplies staff, Barry Draper, is a specialist in welding products. Whilst Barry is slowly building up a new customer base for welding, he has also got the job of teaching the rest of the staff about the product range he has spent a lifetime learning. “The directors and staff of Workshop Supplies would like to extend their sincere thanks to all the companies they serve. In September this year it will be 20 years since the company was established and without your patronage we would not be here” said Tony Harrop.