After lots of planning and preparation last week saw the start of the activity and development for “Cutting Loose” 2014!
Primary schools across Newton Aycliffe were visited by Annie Rigby and Ruth Johnson of Unfolding Theatre, to hear about the grumpy King of the Faeries and how they can help cheer him up! The schools have created some wonderful drawings and ideas which will be used by visual artist Anna Cole to create an element of the final performance to try and make the grumpy King smile!
The Primary school groups will now be practising their singing and after Half Term will develop and learn their dance moves, leading up to the event on 15th July.
Our group of Cree volunteers started production on the “wow” moment of the event this week – drilling, cutting and taping and they have made fantastic progress! The volunteers will continue to meet and work on their project over the coming weeks – they are always looking for more volunteers so contact us for more information.
Greenfield Community College’s STEM Club were also introduced to the project this week, working with puppet designer Molly to consider what the grumpy King might look like, and how he will move.
It’s been a busy week but we are pleased that Cutting Loose 2014 is off to such a great start! For more information about the project, funded by GAMP AAP, Great Aycliffe Town Council, Livin, East Durham Trust and Greenfield Arts, visit our website
Work Starts on “Cutting Loose” 2014