Dear Sir,
Devolution means having more local say over our economic future. The Scots and Welsh have seized it. All over the country cities and regions are claiming it. The six other councils in the North East look set to take it. Many in the business community are clamouring for it. It would seem a no brainer that we should want it too.
1. We are the second-poorest region in England; we MUST grow our economy.
2. The Adonis Report (2012) concluded that, to do so, the seven local Councils had to cooperate better.  This was why the North East Combined Authority (NECA) was formed –not an extra layer of government, just the 7 local councils coordinating their policies on economic growth, transport and employability skills. This was GOOD.
3. The government has offered NECA certain limited devolved powers. The most important ones are over EU grants, trade, transport and skills.  This is GOOD.
4. To refuse devolution, we must leave NECA.  That in my opinion would be a disaster. We would not just be OUT of the cooperating Councils, we would be in competition with them, without the extra powers they will be getting – it would damage our economy.
5. The government is insisting we have a separately-elected Mayor as an independent chair for NECA. But the Mayor will not be able to force the seven Councils to do something they do not want to do. So this is not so bad.
6. The government will be giving NECA a £30million a year grant. Devolution will not cost the ratepayers a penny.
THEREFORE: I believe that we must move forward, engage and grow.  A ‘No’ vote – a vote to go back – is a vote to stay poor.  Therefore I will be voting:
• OPTION ONE to question 1 – YES devolution will be good.
• OPTION TWO to question 2 – I want a Mayor with limited powers.
John Clare
County Councillor