Dear Sir,
With reference to Mr Williamson’s question about the Vane Road Eagle, as a retired teacher of the school I can shed some light on this.
When I first started to teach at the school in the 80’s there was a House system in place in the Junior School where the children collected points given for good work, behaviour etc.
Each week the House with the most points received the cup. The Houses were named after birds, Swift, Falcon, Hawk and Eagle. I’m sure many ex pupils will remember this.
Then a new system of rewards was introduced and the House system was abandoned, but when a uniform was introduced we had to think of an emblem.
The children loved the birds, especially the eagle so it was decided the school would adopt the eagle as their emblem.
Mrs Robinson, now also a retired teacher from Vane Road School, designed the eagle emblem for the children’s uniform. The emblem has been enjoyed by all members of the school for many years.
Mrs M.A.Hunter
Vane Road Eagle Mystery Solved