ACORN Residents Association incorporating little Acorns and Woodham Burn Neighbourhood Watch held their AGM at the Royal British Legion last Thursday evening. Sitting committee members were re-elected with the addition of Alison Paling as Vice Secretary.
Guest speakers for the monthly meeting were Mr Ron Hogg Police and Crime Commissioner and Labour MP Phil Wilson. As usual talks were followed by a good humoured but informative question and answer session. ACORN are always interested in encouraging guest speakers to come along and talk to the group.
An annual report was given to the meeting relating annual audited accounts, revised constitution, officer reports and some pictorial evidence of recent activity.
A full diary of events and outings have been planned for 2015 sponsored and supported by The Big Lottery “Awards for all fund”, Durham County Council “its your neighbourhood grant” and the livin community fund.
Collaborating with partners ACORN continue to host events which entertain our community and the residents of Newton Aycliffe such as the annual Petting Zoo which brought joy to the children and adults of our great town or the annual Halloween Party at the Leisure Centre.
Watch out for improvements to the area in 2015 as flowers are planted, litter removed and lobbying on your behalf.
Ken Robson Chairman
ACORN Residents Association
01325 321471
V.I.P.’s at Acorn A.G.M.