Dear Sir,

I have noticed that there seems to be an ongoing issue frequently highlighted in the Newton News, an issue involving cyclists and pedestrians. I am both a cyclist and a pedestrian, and reading these articles I feel that I can relate to both sides, yes both sides.

As there are two sides to this coin, although only one side is being viewed at present . . . pedestrians. I completely empathise with some of the issues raised regarding cyclists but, only to a certain extent, as I feel that the world we are living in right now, some people seem to have nothing better to do than to complain.

It is not an easy world to live in at present and, for a vast amount of us, all we can do is make the most of the environment around us in whatever capacity we choose. I have personally noticed that since lockdown began that there has been a rapid increase in people getting out and about, which is great! Especially as our town has so many paths to follow with such nice scenery, we should think ourselves lucky?

I have walked so many paths around our town and yes, there is the ‘odd’ occasion when a cyclist shows a lack of respect for pedestrians, usually from the younger ones, but that’s just kids for you! But, more often than not, a cyclist will generally slow down and navigate past with a “thank you” and no issues.

However, when I’m cycling, I generally use the ‘dedicated’ cycle paths around our town, but there are times I may need to veer onto footpaths depending on my route. Like with the vast majority of cyclists, I ride with the utmost respect for pedestrians and duly give way, slow down and pass by politely, which never raises an issue, and it’s been like this for as long as I can remember.

I do occasionally come across one or two pedestrians who are nothing less than stubborn and rude and make passing very awkward, and I bet these are the ones complaining all the time?

There are certain laws regarding cyclists, but there are laws for so many things in life, which just can’t be policed, it’s only when something happens that the laws take full effect and come into question, but until that day arrives, it is up to us to be civil and respectful of each other and learn to co-exist in this world.

Which brings me to the part that, ‘Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right’, as recently on a number of occasions I have encountered pedestrians blatantly walking on the ‘dedicated’ cycle paths, which boils my blood when I inform them that they are on a cycle path and tell them to get off the path, for their own safety of course, and I receive nothing but verbal abuse. So when I read these articles of pedestrians complaining about cyclists, I find the hypocrisy mesmerising when I see pedestrians walking on ‘dedicated’ cycle paths that are VERY clearly marked and identifiable. It works both ways in my opinion, we are all in the wrong.

Perhaps it’s time that we STOP being disrespectful to each other. Perhaps it’s time we learn to live with each other and share our environment. Perhaps it’s time we were more forgiving and understanding and NOT be abusive or complaining when there are more serious things in the world to worry about right now.

The bottom line is this, before you put pen to paper, ‘Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right’, it’s that simple. There really is no argument. The only issue is our behaviour and mindset.

Be kind to each other.

A pedestrian and cyclist.