Our Town Council met last Wednesday night and among the mundane agenda items were a few topics of interest sparking heated discussion.
There was a presentation by newly formed “Healthwatch” which took over some of the duties of “Links”. There was some head scratching as to what this organisation really does that isn’t covered by other agencies, and their main role appeared to be just signposting complaints to existing organisations.
The Council agreed not to attend a Conference in London for larger local councils as the cost of sending representatives could not be justified.
A motion proposed by Counc Adam and seconded by Arun Chandran sought to change the boundary of Great Aycliffe to accommodate new housing designated for Eldon Whins which is currently in the Middridge Boundary.
This site is included in the town’s Master Plan, and it was just the case of applying for a Community Governance Review. The council agreed however that as a courtesy Middridge Parish Council needed to be approached asking them to agree to the transfer. Counc Clare felt sure this small rural village would not want to change the nature of Middridge by adding a large housing estate bigger than itself.
At the same time the Council would wish to include in the review, the Chesnuts Housing Estate at School Aycliffe which is currently within Darlington’s boundary.
The proposal was accepted with a slight amendment. and the two Councillors who forwarded the motion were congratulated on their foresight.
The Council is to consider changes to the list of neighbouring Councils invited to town events. It is proposed to add nearby local Parish Council representatives and delete far away authorities who have no connection with the town.
It was clear that when the item comes up at the next AGM some councillors would not agree to proposals involving extra costs by adding more Councils to the list.
Counc Clare was supported by other Councillors in the desire to raise the town’s profile in the County by involving ourselves more in Civic functions. Counc Iveson said we should fly the flag for Aycliffe and Counc Raw said we are a large prestigious Council and we ought to get more involved.
Whilst the council agreed no changes to the list, involving extra cost, could be introduced now, the Mayor could extend informal invitations to our neighbouring small parish councils.to civic events during her year of office.