Dear Sir,
I write to inform you that my wife was assaulted in the town centre on Friday last. Walking down the steps from the Leisure Centre towards Greenwell Road a person with special needs leaving the centre and unsupervised, lashed out at her, leaving her shocked and with a sore arm. The accompanying staff apologised and offered the excuse “she is special needs”.
Investigations indicated the group responsible were from Darlington and seemed to think that by saying the perpetrator had special needs, excused the attack.
I related this tale to acquaintances and surprisingly learned this was not an isolated incident and It would be interesting to hear about other similar instances of lack of supervision.
Thankfully my wife was not badly injured but had she been smaller or a child the outcome may have been far more serious.
The time has come to debate whether enough supervision is available to allow potential violent people into the community where the unsuspecting public are in danger of assault.
A telephone complaint has been made to the organisation responsible and also to the police.
Ken Robson
Town Centre Attack