For well over 50 years St. Clare’s Church has stood in the centre of our town and served her community well.

You may have attended a wedding or baptism celebration there – many hundreds of townsfolk have themselves been married or christened in this beautiful building!

It may have provided a refuge and quiet place when you have needed it or been a place of farewell to a loved one . It is packed to the rafters on Remembrance Day and for the Christingle Service too. Messy Church is living and growing together within the church itself. It’s a teaching place for many school visits and is home to many community groups too – an amazingly busy place!

For a good few years now a small fundraising team have worked hard to provide three seasonal fairs each year with fewer people attending- so we have decided to try something different for St. Clare’s.

There will be, throughout October, an opportunity to give thanks for all that this Church means to you in the form of a Gift Celebration. Gifting envelopes are available from the church, during coffee mornings, services and during the week when we strive to keep our doors open as much as we can – please just pop in and ask for one. On request we can post one to you also. Any gift large or small will be blessed and received with grateful thanks at our Family Worship on October 14th at 10am. There will be a token thanks gift given in return- so please come along on that morning – everyone will be welcomed warmly.

Alternatively gifting envelopes can be returned in the secure box on the wall of the church or by contacting Parish Warden Helen on 07716 801262 or Treasurer Judith on 315567 / Ric – 316755

Please support us so that we can continue supporting you.