Durham County Carers Support  are a local charity supporting anyone aged 18 or over who cares for a relative, neighbour or friend who can’t manage without their support due to illness, disability, addiction or frailty. This might be a husband supporting his wife with dementia, a friend supporting someone with a mental health issue or a parent/ carer looking after a child with autism.
Most people don’t recognise themselves as having a caring role, they feel they are just doing what is needed and often don’t feel they have a choice. Caring often begins gradually but can take over someone’s life and it can have a huge impact on them.
Getting the right support, information and practical help is essential and that’s where we come in. There are over 100 Staff, Trustees and Volunteers within our organisation. Every one of us knows we are making a difference to carers’ lives and with 3 out of 5 adults taking on a caring role at some point in their life it’s not something that happens to other people, it is happening to us, our family, our work colleagues and our friends.
If you can relate to this please get in touch and find out what a difference we can make. Call us on 03000 005 1213 and ask about registering for our services.