Throughout the first half of the summer term, Year 2 classes at Sugar Hill Primary School read the classic Brothers Grimm fairytale, Hansel and Gretel. As part of the topic, the children made their own version of the ‘gingerbread house’ from the story at home, and brought in their brilliant creations for teachers and other children to see and admire.
The topic was rounded off with a performance of the Hansel and Gretel tale in front of parents and other children from the school. Each of the Year 2 classes gave their own performance on different days, with both following a similar script and story line. Parents, and particularly the staff at Sugar Hill, were hugely impressed by the children’s singing and acting talents and the maturity they showed in delivering an entertaining and professional show for the watching audiences. All the staff at Sugar Hill are very proud of the Year 2 classes’ achievements. Feedback from parents following the performances suggests that they too are immensely impressed and proud of their talented children’s efforts.
Sugar Hill Children Give Stunning Performances