Students of Greenfield Community College have been reacting positively to a call to action following their student led conference ‘Make it Matter’ led by Greenfield Arts.

‘Make it Matter’ is the result of hundreds of students having a voice and a say about things that matter to them. The successful conference last term created actions for the whole school to try, test and notice the impact of. Students created actions to share with their tutor groups which included being kind and respectful to others, supporting diversity, caring for the environment and understanding wellbeing.

Students have returned to school this term in readiness to share their ideas and make their school a better place to learn, grow and achieve their goals. Each tutor group has been given a ‘Make it Matter’ action research booklet created by the students, to share their ideas in their Time4Success lesson and are exploring how they will achieve their goals for themselves and the school. Further initiatives will include practical on-site recycling, well-being Wednesday and random acts of kindness.

The campaign has begun and one great example is a tutor group who have created a box of proud moments. The tutor group are asking each student and staff to think of something they are proud of, notice the positive and to share it. Already this is having great results and the box was full by the end of its first week! ‘Make it Matter’ is helping build better relationships between staff and students and helping everyone to notice what is going well.

Katy Milne, Director of Creativity at Greenfield Arts said, “the students have led this work, designed the ideas and are bringing about positive change by taking action and encouraging others to take action too. The work I’ve seen so far is brilliant. We are excited by this student led work and are looking forward to understanding the positive difference it can make.”

Greenfield Community College is an 11-16 Specialist Arts and Science School and is committed to providing opportunities to support students to reach their full potential. A recent Ofsted report commented that the school ‘has a warmth and friendliness to it’. We are very proud of our staff and students who together help everyone to be the best that they can be.