Over the past three years, the gardening club and the Environmental studies group have been working to create working, sustainable garden spaces across the school. We have worked with businesses and local charities to find funds and resources to help us achieve our goal.
We have recently received the level five RHS award, which is the highest accolade for school gardens. This is awarded to schools who show that they have used recycling techniques well, harvested and sold their produce and involved the community in events and sharing days.
A few days after the Level 5 award arrived we were informed by the Total Green Schools Awards that we had been given a special award for our entry “From Wilderness to Wonderland” In the national competition for schools that prove they are ECO friendly.
The award category was created this year for us and another 3 schools because of the quality of our entry.
Both awards come with a total prize fund of £500, which we plan to use to help with our latest orchard project and a possible remembrance garden project in the future.

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garden 3