This year sees St. Clare’s celebrates 60 years as a church for all people. Sunday August 7th will be our Patronal Festival, and at the 10-00am Service we warmly invite one and all to come and help us in the CELEBRATION.
If you have memories of St. Clare’s why not share them with us. A lot of our community has witnessed and worshipped here over the past 60 years; many have passed through our doors for happy occasions such as Baptisms and Weddings, and some have sadly come to say farewell and give thanks for the life of a much loved person in your lives, at a Funeral Service, and also at our Memorial Services.
Many uniformed organisations and clubs of various activities, far too many to mention, have held their group meetings at this church.
Throughout all these times St. Clare’s has been a very personal reminder for you in years that have past. We would love to see you in church on August 9th to hear your stories of what St. Clare’s has meant to you.
If you have photographs or any memorabilia that you think others would like to see, of memories past, please bring them along any morning to St. Clare’s where we will be putting together a display “Throughout the Years”. This will be on display on Saturday August 8th at our Coffee Morning in the church hall, between 10am and 12 noon.
If you would like to make a donation in Thanksgiving for the upkeep of your Town Centre church, there will be a collection plate during the Patronal Festival, or at the coffee morning.
All donations will go towards our final push in raising the money needed to help complete our church roof. We are most grateful to you all for help in this appeal.
We look forward to seeing you at our Service, and please pass this message on to all you know who have moved away from our town, but had links with St. Clare’s Church. We would love to see them there as much as yourselves.
Further details can be had by contacting Pam Lovelass on 316841
St. Clare’s Church Celebrates 60 years