Students and staff from Greenfield Community College have been adjusting well to their learning and are accumulating many reasons to be recognised for their achievements.

The latest edition of The Achiever school newsletter showcased the many positive learning experiences and individual achievements over recent times. Released to staff, students, and local primary schools, the termly editions offer a chance to celebrate the progress and aspirations of our students. Visit the school website where you can access the digital Achiever newsletters via the front page.

Recognition events are also now an established item in the school calendar and this year will be no exception. The forthcoming recognition event will be celebrated through the effective online assemblies that have a regular slot in the student’s weekly timetable. The assemblies have ensured students are still coming together as a group for a shared purpose and reinforcing positive attitudes and a continued sense of community spirit.

Staff are currently celebrating individual achievement through a new star student scheme that will recognise the many ‘superstar’ students on a weekly basis. A big well done to all of our students who are working so hard to achieve their goals.

Greenfield Community College are committed to supporting students to reach their full potential. The school promotes an inclusive curriculum encouraging students to work together to realise an outstanding learning experience. If you would like further information visit or contact the school by emailing or by calling 01325 300378.