Ron Hogg, Police and Crime Commissioner for Durham held a seminar on Friday 26 April, attended by partners from across County Durham and Darlington. ‘To reduce the impact of Domestic Abuse, particularly violence against women and girls’ is one of Mr Hogg’s personal priorities which he recently announced in his Police and Crime Plan 2013-17.

Mr Hogg said: “The purpose of hosting this seminar was to identify gaps in service delivery and create a mechanism where partner organisations can work better together in the future. The ultimate goal is to improve outcomes for the public and to increase confidence for individuals to report incidents, instead of suffering in silence.”

The seminar was well attended by approximately 90 representatives from a broad range of organisations including, public and voluntary sectors, victim services and community groups who contributed by giving individual feedback and action points about how they would like Domestic Abuse services improved.

Volunteers from across the organisations were asked to work together over the coming year in small groups to take the actions forward, to ensure that partners continue to work together to achieve the same goals and to improve confidence for the public.

Mr Hogg announced that a follow-up seminar on Domestic Abuse will take place again next year to review how actions have progressed.