Since 2010, the government has reduced its grants to Durham County Council by £209 million per annum – that’s a reduction of a fifth of a £billion EVERY YEAR in the money that DCC has to spend on its residents. The Council has had to make massive savings.

Next year, 2017/18, the government is removing a further £15.3 million from the Council’s grants, and DCC is therefore once again having to ask how you feel about its proposals to find yet more savings from a budget which is at the same time under pressure from inflation, and growing numbers of elderly people and looked-after children.


The Council is proposing a three-pronged strategy to find (in addition to £3 million savings already agreed) some £12⅓ million-worth of savings, viz.:

• Saving £7 million by reducing management and back office costs (e.g. by merging departments, re-procurement and reducing the costs of running council buildings and vehicles).

• Saving £5 million by finding new ways of working and generating income (e.g. by reviewing fees and charges, investing in more efficient equipment, and redesigning a range of services).

• Taking £⅓ million from reserves to delay making some savings.


After comments that previous consultations have been too restrictive, this year’s consultation just asks four open questions.

Two are about the proposed budget savings, namely (1) Do you agree with the Council’s strategy to find the savings? and (2) Do you have any other suggestions about how the Council might save money?

Then there are two further questions for your ideas about (3) How can the Council improve its services to residents? and (4) How might the Council improve your local community?


You can find out more here and I have recorded a personal vlog about the consultation here:

• You can answer the questionnaire online here:

• Or you can post your answers to the four questions to: DCC Budget Consultation, County Hall, Durham DH1 5UL.

As I do my walkabouts and door-knocking, I know that people have lots to say about these issues (especially questions 2-4), but if you do not tell us what you think, we cannot respond to your opinions.

Cllr John D Clare