Dear Sir,

I am deeply alarmed that our government is creating changes that will affect so many people,  hitting where it hurts, in the pocket of those less fortunate than themselves.

Major reforms to areas of unemployment benefits, assistance with housing and council tax and allowances to support people back into work, will never impact on Members of Parliament because their SECURE salaries far outweigh the budgets of those affected.

If council tax is to be reduced by 10% then an increase has to be made somewhere else to compensate and maintain a workable allowance to suit the individuals’ needs.

The margin of higher rents increased in the north, to keep in line with those of the south is ludicrous! The employment sector is greatly divided in unequal proportions. yet the north still has to foot the bills of inflation alongside the south.

As a tenant in Newton Aycliffe for 33years, annual rent increases have always been applied in April, the beginning of a financial year and have subsequently risen with inflation on average £2 – £3. This year the increase is £7 just to keep in line with the south.

The government is responsible for closing down businesses and them moving abroad, so what do we as British citizens expect to receive to compensate our loss in skilled trade? A benefit system which defeats public inspiration, sense of wellbeing and increased crime.

Surely it cannot be the way forward to develop policies to charge working age tenants (who are already in receipt of some social housing benefit) an extra £13 per bedroom not slept in?

It is absolutely outrageous. not only is this scaremongering tactics but an offence of harassment and abuse to the vulnerable who now find themselves living alone. It is soul destroying to even suggest these vulnerable people should prepare to downsize. Where is the allowance for compassion?

I do understand that families in need of bigger housing are hopeful this policy goes through, but not before the provision of one bedroom accommodation is made available!

If Councils are not providing for the single person, then they cannot expect people to downsize and give up the home they’ve nurtured, carrying memories of loved ones.

It is the government’s responsibility to provide accommodation needs for all residents born and living in this country. It is a bonus that we as a nation, welcome and offer accommodation and employment to legal immigrants who receive the same rights.

Julie Thorne