Dear Sir,

Since the Tories and Liberals are not listening to public opinion on the unfairness of the intended two tier pension scheme, I wrote to Ed Milliband asking Labour’s support to oppose it.

I said that although there is a wealth of discriminatory legislation to protect blacks, muslims, lesbians and so on there is no legislation to protect pensioners or the elderly from discrimination. There can be no legal redress against the Government as it discriminates between two groups of pensioners. I told him that the new scheme means new pensioners will receive £320 per month per couple more than existing pensioners.

Ed Milliband replied: “I am grateful to hear people’s views and suggestions as to how matters can be improved and believe that people like you who take the time to write into politicians provide a crucial input to the political process. Thank you for taking the time to get in touch about this important issue.”

So, in defiance of logic and sentiment you have the attitude of the Tories, Liberals and Labour towards this generation of pensioners. I am now writing to UKIP and the BNP asking them to state publicly their attitude on this two tier system to determine if any Party is worthy of a vote.

Henry Ballantyne