Local community gardeners ACORN is pleased to announce that they have been awarded a level 4 – Thriving certificate as reward for their efforts in making the local area bloom, from The Royal Horticultural Society and Northumbria in Bloom.

This Award follows on from a special award certificate given by livin in a category in community gardening and makes our volunteers very proud of the recognition of our efforts.

In previous years ACORN volunteers have transformed a pleasant but barren landscape through the cultivation of flowers and shrubs in half barrels and this year have expanded the scheme into adjoining streets with remarkable results.

Funding for this project was given by it’s your neighbourhood and Durham County Council. It is hoped that next year we will be extending the project further and are looking for more volunteers to look after the tubs. If this is something which may interest you please come along to the ACORN meeting held at 6pm on October 11th at the Phoenix club or contact Ken on 01325 321471