We regret to report we have not received a response from the Town Centre Landlords with regard to the front page story on the plight of shopkeepers struggling to survive during the current building upheaval.

We and the shopkeepers hoped for some consideration and a positive response from Freshwaters, but after 10 days and finding the Town Centre Manager was off sick for 2 weeks, we rang the London office to get a reply. Phil Hughes in the Commercial Department knew about the work being carried out, but had not read the Newton News report. We sent the story, but it was clear the Landlords will not meet the deadline this week. I explained to Mr. Hughes the main problem is poor access to the shops and customers are choosing not to put up with the dirt and inconvenience. Our common sense suggestions to clear the obstacles to restore access  to the town centre appear to be disregarded.

We hope we can obtain better news in time for next week’s issue.