The Mayor of Great Aycliffe, Councillor Carl Robinson, attended the first appointment of his Mayoral year at an event organised by ‘All Disabilities Matter’ at the Big Club in Newton Aycliffe.
The Mayor said, “It was wonderful for my wife Carol and I to witness the respect, dignity and support demonstrated by this group for everyone who attended and see the enjoyment that was generated for people with disabilities by this group. The key message is that not all disabilities are visible so please respect people when you meet them as we are all unaware of individual peoples’ circumstances.”
He added, “During my year as Mayor, I will be raising funds for ‘All Disabilities Matter’ as Carol and I believe that any support we can give this dedicated group will better our community.”
If you wish to donate to the Mayors’ charity, or you would like the Mayor to attend your event, please contact Great Aycliffe Town Council on 01325 300700 or via the contact page on their website
New Mayor Chooses Charity for His Year