Dear Sir

I write in connection with newly, publicly, disclosed aspects of the E U attitude to Brexit which may be of interest to your readers. They address certain hidden aspects of the May Withdrawal Agreement which are intended to remain binding upon GB even after a Brexit departure.

During the last few days there have been revelations by such notable authorities as Major General Julian Thompson, Rear Admiral Roger Lane-Nott and Professor Gwynthian Prins, in consultation with Sir Richard Dearlove, expressing their serious concerns for the future of Britain’s safety, security and the effects upon Britain’s Intelligence Services. The web addresses I have read are: – and https://youtu.beFXEJav7DB6E – if anyone wishes to learn of the specific allegations, in which names are named. Apparently there are more “revelations” to follow.

In view of voting facing our MP’S this week – and the newness of these disclosures – I have forwarded these details to our Member of Parliament – just in case he was unaware of their release. Other than that I make no comment.

Yours faithfully

Douglas Whittaker