Pupils from Byerley Park School and St. Francis Mini Police have planted 2,500 crocus bulbs on 2 of the embankments of the underpass that joins The Chase and Horndale estates.

The pupils enjoyed learning about how to plant bulbs and are looking forward to the spring to see the rewards of their work. By involving young pupils it gives them pride and ownership of part of their neighbourhoods.

Underpasses by their design can be dull and not very nice routes to use, but by planting flowers at the entrance of underpasses we hope to make them more attractive and bring a lot of joy to the many people who use the underpass on a daily basis.

This project was made possible by Livin covering the cost of the bulbs through their regeneration fund, thanks also to DCC Civic Pride Team who lifted and replaced the turf; they also showed the pupils how to plant the bulbs and supplied some equipment. Thank you to PCSO Chris O’Brien for her work with the Mini Police.

We hope to repeat this project on the other 2 embankments next year but on bigger scale.

Another community project working together for the good of others, organised by Horndale Residents Association.

Philip Clark, Chairman