Dear Sir,
I read with interest the doubt as to whether the proposed children’s play area situated within the Miller development is likely to go ahead.
This was always the case and was clearly marked on the plans. I have noticed that the area has since been fenced off and is becoming an eyesore.
Many would not want a play area adjacent to their front aspect, but it was very clear on the first iterations of the plan. If there are objections I for one have not been consulted. I think the existing solution is not satisfactory as local residents weave around a blind corner where children are now congregating.
Is this profits before safety Miller? Perhaps you would like to tell residents where the section 106 money was spent? Surely it wasn’t all spent on security fencing.
An ideal photo opportunity for Newton News! Get yourselves a look around and bring a camera. Oh, and be careful not to knock over the children playing at the entrance to the estate.
Name and address supplied.