On Saturday 23rd July a (known) person deliberately walked across the town and into the business park carrying with them a saw, with the premeditated decision to maliciously cut down the memorial tree which had been purchased and planted by the members of Aycliffe Rotary Club in memory of their friend, former member and Past District Governor, Syd Howarth.
The members of Aycliffe Rotary Club were understandably annoyed and disappointed that an individual would cause this type of damage, especially to a tree which had been planted in memory of a deceased, much loved and respected previous member.
The person who committed this cowardly act has bragged about the fact he did this and even changed his Facebook profile photo to show a photo he took of the damage he had committed.
Stephen Patterson, from the Wishing Well Club, took a few cuttings from the decapitated branches and has planted them in the garden at the PCP centre, in an effort to grow saplings from the original tree.
The police have been notified of the person who committed this criminal damage to the tree and are pursuing the matter.
Memorial Tree Destroyed