A Small Art Exhibition took place in Dot’s Craft Room in Surtees House, Hilton Road (home of Whitehouse Funeral Service) over the weekend of the 24th – 26th January. The wonderful display of Art was enjoyed by all and not even the weather could detract from the numbers who attended.
With a raffle, coffee and cakes (supplied by Archers Catering) the event was a huge success. ‘What a great weekend and with lots of hard work we were able to put on this unique event and do hope to have similar weekends to display the lovely art work in the not too distant future’ said Dot.
‘With a steady flow of people I was most honoured to have the company of The Mayor, Councillor Mrs Barbara A Clare and her husband John. This made a fitting conclusion to a very successful Saturday.’
Dot Whitehouse is part of the family which runs Whitehouse Funeral Service on Hilton Road, Newton Aycliffe and this is where her craft room is situated. The craft room is a vibrant self-contained area at the front of the Funeral Home which hosts various events.
Dot Whitehouse started the craft room about a year ago to allow people of all ages to come together to create art in lots of different mediums, enjoy comradeship and help various charities. The group meets in the room every Monday, between 1 and 4pm,
Over the 3 days various pieces of art were sold, with 10% of each painting going to the events nominated charity, the Butterwick Hospice in Bishop Auckland.
‘Not only was the weekend a huge success but we managed to raise £350.00 for the Butterwick Hospice. I would like to thank the Mayor for attending and to all who helped make the whole weekend a huge success’ said Dot
Anybody wishing to attend our Monday afternoon craft meeting or wanting information about future events please contact Dot on 01325 318600


dot craft