The fantastic light festival ‘Lumière’ returned to Durham on November the 14th, transforming the city into an exciting celebration of light installations and projections.
Buildings, streets and public spaces were turned into beautiful artworks lighting up the city with a sprinkle of winter magic. After the success of Lumière 2011, Woodham Academy Art department was excited to see what Lumière 2013 had to offer and we were not disappointed!
The Art department and a number of Year 11 students visited Lumière on its opening night, spending 3 hours walking around the city to explore the artworks.  A life size elephant, a phone box that had been turned into an aquarium and magical dancing stick men were just a few of the light pieces that sparked conversation and inspired staff and students alike. It was wonderful to be able to share such an incredible event with students and to witness their excitement in discovering each new artwork.
Many students have been working towards creating  their own light sculptures in class and benefited greatly from viewing the work of other light artists. Inspired by the success of the Durham Lumière Woodham Academy hopes to display its own light artworks for all to come and see. The picture is a little sneak peek of what you can expect when Year 11 students exhibit their work next year!
