Do you have a deaf, or hard of hearing relative or friend? Do you need to develop the sign language skills to communicate better with them? Or would a sign language qualification be helpful with employment?
Woodham Village Community Centre and Vision:BSL are teaming up to give people in the town and surrounding areas the chance to learn British Sign Language. Not only is this a beautiful language to learn but also helps breaks down the communication barrier between deaf and hearing.
Mike and his team are focused on getting more people involved in learning this skill. However, spaces are limited to 15 students per group to allow for the best student and teacher interaction.
The course is fun, hands on and interactive. The first course will run every Saturday morning from 9:30 – 11:30 for 27 weeks starting 4th June. For those who enrol and complete all 3 modules, a full Level 1 accredited certificate in British Sign Language will be issued.
Mike from Vision:BSL is looking forward to becoming a fixture and a trusted member within the community.
More information is available online at or by contacting Mike on 07946 739 136. or David on 01325 316144. Pre-booking is essential.

Vision BSL