Dear Sir
I was interested to read of the proposed improvements to the above estate, similar areas of red tarmac exist in the other Agnew estates, these are equally unkempt and left in a distressed state. A year before the demise of Segefield Borough the state of the area in Bakewell Place was taken up with the Borough who initially found they had no record of these areas. Subsequently it was shown these areas came under the Leisure Department and it was agreed the area would be grassed over and funding was set aside for this.
In the meantime bi-monthly inspection was introduced and carried on until about one year ago and the grassing over we are still waiting for.
The adjacent rose bed, which I believe is owned by Livin and maintained by the County, is a complete eyesore with the roses dying yet still “pruned” annually with dead and self seeded saplings left close to foundations of adjacent properties.
I hope the Councilors named have more success than my experience of our neglected estate.
Bill Curtis