On the 9th March, the UTC welcomed students from a technical college in japan. The college students came to Britain with the aim to see what British engineering colleges are like.
The students entered the UTC with a warm welcome from the principle, Tom Dower, and then they were quickly escorted to the engineering hall where the tour began. The UTC Year 10s were split into pairs who were designated to six visitors.
One particular group explained how their tour went:
“They were very curious to see what it was like here one person in particular got excited when he saw a familiar piece of equipment.”
“It was very fun to talk to them they had great understanding of what we were saying.”
After a quick tour of the building, the students took a picture, thanked the UTC for their hospitality, and departed to go to London.
Article penned by members of the UTC Journalism Club: Arial Latue and Alex Paterson Year 10