Dear Sir,
On my travels this week, encouraging people to take part in the Neighbourhood Plan I was asked an interesting question by my taxi driver: “Will my ideas be listened to?”
Of course they will! But you have to send in a questionnaire to make things happen. They are out now and are also on the internet at
We all moan that things could be better, well this is your chance to say what you want for Aycliffe.
The Scottish referendum brought to the fore people’s need to have their say for their own areas, this is your chance. The County planners ideas will be implemented unless we can show to the Town and County Council a strong local challenge if we don’t agree.
If like me you want a decent Retail Park then say so. I think it’s terrible that I have to go out of the area for large electrical goods, on many occasions, spending money in another County.
The questionnaire covers Environment, Housing, Retail, Services and Utilities,Transport, Com-munity and Town Council. On the questionnaires front page three things stand out for me! “Your vision”,” Our Plan” and” Imagine the Possibilities”.
Do not waste your chance to be listened to.
David Sutton-Lloyd